If you’re having issues with Google Hangouts or the screen sharing feature, there are a few things to try to get it working properly.

There are also situations where screen sharing won’t work in Google Hangouts. You can now freely type away on your keyboard or use the mouse and all the participants will be able to follow your every move. Once you’ve done all this, you can actually go and perform all the actions on the screen, window, or program that you wanted to share with the participants. Clicking on it will finally make the selected screen or program viewable by everyone who is included in that particular room. When the video feed of your screen sharing session is successfully loaded, you need to click on the “Present to everyone” button. It will usually take a few seconds before it loads, so just be patient at this step. Keep in mind that clicking the “Share” button will not instantly share the selected screen with the participants of your video call. If you’re using another browser, the button will be referred to as “Start Screenshare”. This is if you’re using Google Chrome as your default browser.

Close out of System Preferences and re-enter your video call.Once you’ve successfully chosen the program or screen you want to share, you just need to click on the “Share” button located in the bottom right.Check that the Input volume is set correctly (it should not be all the way to the left).Microphones on earbuds or headsets that connect to the stereo mini port will not work. NOTE: Only USB microphones will work with a Macintosh computer.This example is using a Logitech USB Headset. If you are already in the call, you may have to move your cursor to the top area of the screen to get the Apple to appear.Click the Apple in the upper left of your computer.Note: you may need to reset this every time you plug in your headset. You should get a green check mark on the device once you've set it as default. select the appropriate device (here I'm using my Logitech USB headset).Right-click the volume control (speaker icon) on the lower right in your taskbar. This opens the Sound dialog box.The details here can vary with different versions of Windows, so if your computer doesn't say exactly the same thing, look for something similar. If your only options are "Default device," close out of the Hangout and completely out of the browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc), check that your devices are connected properly, and then restart the browser and re-enter the hangout.Ĭhanging any of these settings may require you to restart your browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc).If you are using a USB headset with microphone, you should see an option such as "USB Headset" for microphone and speakers.Choose specific options for the camera, microphone, and headset or speakers) - not "Default device.".Click More Options, then select Settings.In the Video Call window, move your mouse until you see the control icons at the bottom of the screen.If you do not hear any sound, proceed with the troubleshooting steps below. You should hear a sound, typically a phone ringing. If you are using headphones or another microphone device, you can click the gray triangle next to the device options and find the device that you will be using for the call.Make sure that the microphone and speaker settings display the speaker and microphone option that you will be using for the meeting.

Click Settings a box with settings for your camera, microphone, and speakers will appear.Click the More Options icon near the lower right corner of the video display.Click the Video Call link (from the calendar invite or from the app itself) to start the meeting, but do not click "Enter the Meeting.".You can test your own sound before anyone else enters the meeting. Some microphones have mute buttons, including some headsets. Make sure all your devices are securely connected, and turned on. Note that Google Hangouts still have some issues with Firefox browsers for best results, use a Chrome browser.Ĭhecking the connections before the meeting This article deals with audio and video issues on computers.